

Check whether values are contained in Series.

Return a boolean Series showing whether each element in the Series matches an element in the passed sequence of values exactly.

valueslist or set

The sequence of values to test.

isinSeries (bool dtype)


>>> s = ks.Series(['lama', 'cow', 'lama', 'beetle', 'lama',
...                'hippo'], name='animal')
>>> s.isin(['cow', 'lama'])
0     True
1     True
2     True
3    False
4     True
5    False
Name: animal, dtype: bool

Passing a single string as s.isin('lama') will raise an error. Use a list of one element instead:

>>> s.isin(['lama'])
0     True
1    False
2     True
3    False
4     True
5    False
Name: animal, dtype: bool
>>> s.rename("a").to_frame().set_index("a").index.isin(['lama'])
Index([True, False, True, False, True, False], dtype='object', name='a')