Working with pandas and PySpark

Users from pandas and/or PySpark face API compatibility issue sometimes when they work with Koalas. Since Koalas does not target 100% compatibility of both pandas and PySpark, users need to do some workaround to port their pandas and/or PySpark codes or get familiar with Koalas in this case. This page aims to describe it.


pandas users can access to full pandas APIs by calling DataFrame.to_pandas(). Koalas DataFrame and pandas DataFrame are similar. However, the former is distributed and the latter is in a single machine. When converting to each other, the data is transferred between multiple machines and the single client machine.

For example, if you need to call pandas_df.values of pandas DataFrame, you can do as below:

>>> import databricks.koalas as ks
>>> kdf = ks.range(10)
>>> pdf = kdf.to_pandas()
>>> pdf.values

pandas DataFrame can be a Koalas DataFrame easily as below:

>>> ks.from_pandas(pdf)
0   0
1   1
2   2
3   3
4   4
5   5
6   6
7   7
8   8
9   9

Note that converting Koalas DataFrame to pandas requires to collect all the data into the client machine; therefore, if possible, it is recommended to use Koalas or PySpark APIs instead.


PySpark users can access to full PySpark APIs by calling DataFrame.to_spark(). Koalas DataFrame and Spark DataFrame are virtually interchangeable.

For example, if you need to call spark_df.filter(...) of Spark DataFrame, you can do as below:

>>> import databricks.koalas as ks
>>> kdf = ks.range(10)
>>> sdf = kdf.to_spark().filter("id > 5")
| id|
|  6|
|  7|
|  8|
|  9|

Spark DataFrame can be a Koalas DataFrame easily as below:

>>> sdf.to_koalas()
0   6
1   7
2   8
3   9

However, note that it requires to create new default index in case Koalas DataFrame is created from Spark DataFrame. See Default Index Type. In order to avoid this overhead, specify the column to use as an index when possible.

>>> # Create a Koalas DataFrame with an explicit index.
... kdf = ks.DataFrame({'id': range(10)}, index=range(10))
>>> # Keep the explicit index.
... sdf = kdf.to_spark(index_col='index')
>>> # Call Spark APIs
... sdf = sdf.filter("id > 5")
>>> # Uses the explicit index to avoid to create default index.
... sdf.to_koalas(index_col='index')
6       6
7       7
8       8
9       9